About Me

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Chicago, IL, United States
I'm just a girl with a huge appetite for life. I am wildly inspired & influenced by fashion & music.
College student & aspiring fashion stylist. I live for thrills & have many goals & ambitions.

Friday, November 19

Lanvin x H&M

I like Lanvin, but for some reason I honestly was not so excited for the Lanvin x H&M collaboration that came out today. I only found 2 pieces in the collection that I would actually want to buy - which is the faux fur jacket & the red heels! They are both so stunning & I'm definitely going to be saving up my money for them!

I wanna hear what you guys think about the collaboration!
Are you guys excited for it to hit stores?



  1. i'm super exciteddd for this!!

  2. Wish there was an H&M near me. Great post!


  3. well.. i love the puffy dresses they have: red and black.. the T'shirts with prints are very cute...

    but the faux fur coat looks a lil bit not so nice when u put it on...

    Today is our opening day of the collection.. and i donno, if i'm going to there no..

    not THAT excited about it.. and usually in Finland they sell out all the stuff before the collection hits the stores.. unfair business we have going on =)

    BTW, Lanvin gave a us a lot of DIY ideas =) i wrote about them.. if u r interested =)


  4. Oh how I wish there was an H&M in Hawaii!

    xx Love & Aloha
